Monday, March 1, 2021

Week four of portfolio project / Character Development

    Hey guys!! So for this week my teammates and I met up and did some character development. We thought it would be good to share the way our characters were going to be developed since the characters are a really important part of our story, technically they're the whole story. This first post will be talking about Maya Walker. First, we decided to change her last name because "walker" connects to the plot of the movie and it's also a really good last name. Since Maya and Lucy go on walks/runs almost everyday we thought it would be a good idea to include this in one of the character's names. 

    I will be including a picture so you guys see exactly what we did. It was really basic but we were just throwing ideas out. I will be elaborating the ideas here. 

    We decided to talk about the color of her hair and eyes so you guys could get an idea and maybe try visualizing her, she's 16 years old. We did some little background information also and we included that she had American parents and that her mom had died recently. Her mom dying affected her relationship with her dad and now they're distant, we also included this in our list. She is also an only daughter which makes her feel lonely at times, she even talks to herself. Her and her dad recently moved away to another state due to her mom dying, this affected her since she would have to make new friendships and get familiarized with new surroundings. Due to all of this that has happened she goes to therapy. She isn't the best at making friendships because she's shy, she has a hard time opening up to other people but she cares a lot about others. Her family is wealthy so she doesn't have a need for money. Even though she has gone through a lot she tries to exercise every morning with her friend Lucy and she tries to keep her life organized. 

    This is what we have so far for Maya Walker. We will be talking more about her personality and feelings in later posts. For my next post I will be talking about Lucy and developing her character so stay tuned to find out more about Lucy. Talk to you guys soon! 

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